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Impact on People


Impact on People

Expressing desire or feelings is induced by stress free taking responsibility for emotions or desires reduces you from the same conversation and anxiety.

We often meet different people’s daily life and there are direct and indirect connections between us, the people we meet regularly have a negative impact on us and the impact is stronger and the more sinful impact.

In the way we look for doing it when it is a negative one and there is a lot of feelings or desires we have for those people, there is an increase in the desire  for feelings and it begins to result in amazing things so the impact you can have on people whenever it improves it begins to be desire or feeling.

The impact you make is that it brings about changes that help you to get a share, the desire leads to your success, the fodder that Allah has written and the one you earn,

So let's be a point at the beginning of the story of making people who have brought about the search and born out of desire or feelings so similarly to those people doing good you have done to each other can lead to fodder. So here look at me fodder that was born there I am looking for justice ........

The important thing is that you have done the work that you have done and the impact you have had on the people you have met in goodness and cooperation and whatever happens between you people is finally sought justice, what is the justice you seek? You are wondering if you are right...

Justice is expected from you, you are the one who takes it, it is you who has the decision, you are the one who is making the choice, so how will  you do justice and what are you doing? It is the soul, yes, it is the soul, it is the soul, because what you do must come back to you. You must get back to what you have done. So if you have done good, it will receive good. If you have done evil or evil, it will come back to you from what you have sown. Justice is how you should accept the seeds you planted and planted with the people you have contacted .... Justice is how you should separate the people you met.

Justice you are doing is the people you have shared your personalities with to take away the one you see as worthy of your personality... Your justice becomes  a burden, and the person whom you sow becomes part of his life, and you enjoy the seed that you have sown with your own hand.



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