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Setting the soul

 Setting the soul  

Calming down the soul or setting up is a very good situation for the soul and can lead you to live a happy and family life. And you are less in a state of anxiety and stress and it opens up to you the world of happiness so how can that be achieved

Learn for yourself 

To learn about yourself is the opening to all the senses of your soul and it brings you the hour of soul. It takes time for everyone to spend time studying for yourself, and you can begin to know what you are happy with and what distracts you or is struggling with, it is often better for you to write about your daily life and write down how the day is and easily find where the feelings of the soul are going and the environment you are in at the time you write... For when a man is alone, it is hard for himself to tell a lie to himself. 

Changing the environment  

Changing the atmosphere can be changing your bedroom or going out to a place with a pleasant atmosphere with good air or leaving the city or changing your lifestyle of dressing in the places you are going to or changing the furniture in the room, going out to a beach resort. 

so, this change is part of the calming of the soul  

Listening soul 

The soul tells you every day what is going on inside, and it is a good idea to listen to what the soul is reporting, so that there is no time when you can't do anything about what information you are sending. 

Happiness of the soul  

Happiness of the soul increases productivity and also increases the stability of the soul, and it is good to make the soul happy and sell gifts and then achieve a little success and in addition to the desire to see the soul and the residence.


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